Todas las sedes de la Biblioteca Pública de Santa Bárbara estarán cerradas el lunes, 31 de marzo en conmemoración del Día de César Chávez.


Library Book Clubs


Looking to join a book club? Santa Barbara Public Library hosts several each month in a wide variety of genres. You can even try out one of our Book Club in a Bag kits and host your own book discussions with friends.

Montecito Book Club

Montecito Book Club

  • Fourth Tuesdays @ 2 PM
  • Montecito Library

Join the Montecito Book Club to discuss a new reading selection. Find more information on these in-person meetings and each month’s selected title on the Library Calendar or sign up for the Book Club newsletter below.


romance book club

Romance Book Club

  • 2nd Wednesdays @ 5:30 PM
  • Central Library

Join the Romance Book Club the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM to meet other romance readers in the community, chat about your favorite romances, and discuss the month's selected title. Find more information on these in-person meetings and each month’s selected title on the Library Calendar or sign up for the Book Club newsletter below.

Book Club in a Bag

Run your own book club with our Book Club in a Bag kits. These kits contain everything your book group needs to enjoy reading and discussing your next book club title. 

Kits can be found and requested in the Library catalog, and Library staff members are happy to help you place holds in person, over the phone, or via chat. 

Kits are checked out to one person, who is responsible for returning the bag and all of its contents to the Library. Need help keeping track of who has which book? You can print a blank list to keep track of each copy.

Book Club Checkout Lists

  • Kits can be checked out for 6 weeks and cannot be renewed. 
  • Unless otherwise noted, each adult kit contains 10 copies of a title.

Sign Up for Book Club Updates

To receive monthly updates with title selection and meeting updates, sign up for a newsletter for each book club:


* indicates required