Todas las sedes de la Biblioteca Pública de Santa Bárbara estarán cerradas el lunes, 31 de marzo en conmemoración del Día de César Chávez.


Local Author Collection


Explore works by Santa Barbara’s thriving community of writers in SBPL’s Local Author Collection.

Authors who live in Santa Barbara County, or whose books are set in Santa Barbara, may donate a copy of their book to SBPL’s Local Author Collection. Find more information about donation guidelines in our Collection Development Policy. Local authors interested in submitting their books for consideration may complete the Local Author Submission Form below.

Library Resources for Local Authors 

Find titles about writing, editing, and publishing in our catalog. Explore this curated booklist to get started.

Local Author Book Fair

Santa Barbara has a vibrant community of writers and Santa Barbara Public Library has supported this audience for many years through its popular annual event, Local Author Day. If you are interested in participating or learning more, please sign up for the Local Author Mailing List.

Use your Library card to find free online classes on writing and publishing


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LinkedIn Learning

Create an account on LinkedIn Learning with your Library card, then use the search function to find classes that meet your needs. Try searching things like: ‘creative writing’ or ‘book publishing’. 

Sign up for the Local Author Mailing List


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