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Library Governance


Library Board

The Library Board is a charter commission of the City of Santa Barbara, consisting of five members appointed by the City Council. The Library Board is charged with such duties as making recommendations to the City Council on policy concerning operations of the Libraries; on rules, regulations, and bylaws for the Libraries; on duties and qualifications of the Librarian; on the proposed annual budget for Library operations; and on acquisitions, disposition, availability and use of collection materials.

Members of the Library Board may be contacted at: Santa Barbara Public Library Administration, PO Box 1019, Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1019 or by calling Library Administration at 805-564-5608.

Regular meetings of the Library Board are held on the fourth Monday of each month at 2PM. Meetings are held at various library facilities; to check on a meeting location, call Library Administration at 805-564-5608 or check the library calendar of events.

County Library Advisory Committee

The authority for the Santa Barbara County Library Advisory Committee is per “Agreement for Operation of a Countywide Free Library System”, (section 8), between the County of Santa Barbara and the Cities of Santa Barbara, Lompoc, Santa Maria, and Goleta Valley. 

Membership of the committee is comprised of one appointee from each Supervisor District, one appointee from County Services Area #3, and one appointee from each incorporated city within the County. The County Board of Supervisors formally appoints members. In addition, one Supervisor serves as board liaison to the committee and the Library directors of Santa Barbara, Lompoc, Santa Maria, and Goleta Valley serve as non-voting members.

Duties of the committee include ensuring adequate Library services to all inhabitants of the County of Santa Barbara, reviewing the operations of County Library jurisdictions and of the annual “Agreement for Operation of a Countywide Free Library System," submitting advisory recommendations to the County Board of Supervisors, and receiving citizen input regarding Library-related issues.

The Santa Barbara County Library Advisory Committee meets quarterly at various locations. Information on dates, times and locations of meetings can be obtained by calling Library Administration at 805-564-5608.

Library Departments

Organization chart