FAQs for Adult Literacy and OG Readers Volunteer Tutors
What are the steps to become a volunteer tutor with the Adult Literacy Program and/or the OG Readers Program?
Previous tutoring and/or teaching experience is not required. We will provide training and resources.
The following is a general list of requirements for volunteer tutors:
- Be adults (age 16-years-old and older)
- Be patient, adaptable, and dedicated
- Be able to read and write in English at a high school level
- Attend a training for new volunteer tutors
- Clear a Live Scan background check through the City of Santa Barbara’s HR Department
- Be able to dedicate at least one hour a week to your learner for at least 6 months (choose your own schedule)
- Prepare learner-centered lessons (tutoring materials and resources will be provided)
- Report number of sessions, time spent meeting and prepping, and successes/challenges each month in response to a form that will be sent to you via email.
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Please email us at Literacy@SantaBarbaraCA.gov or at OGReaders@SantaBarbaraCA.gov!