All SBPL locations will be closed on Monday, March 31 for César Chávez Day.


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Borrowing Info


Find information about how long you can checkout library materials, how to renew items, how to use our library catalog, and more!


Physical Items

Most items, including books, DVDs, audiobooks, and magazines, check out for 3 weeks.

  • Hotspots, chromebooks, hotspots paired with chromebooks, STEAM kits, BCycle passes, community membership cards, & Lucky Day items (7 day popular titles) check out for 1 week with no renewals
  • Adventure packs, early literacy kits, launch pads, leveled reading kits, play kits, memory kits, & musical instruments check out for 3 weeks
  • Long use adventure packs check out for 6 weeks
  • Book Club in a Bag Kits check out for 6 weeks
  • Interlibrary loan materials may have different checkout periods set by the lending library

Digital Items

Digital materials have different check-out periods depending on the resource.

  • Overdrive/Libby ebooks and digital audiobooks: up to 21 days
  • Enki ebooks: up to 21 days
  • hoopla: varies by format
    • digital audiobooks – 21 days
    • ebooks – 21 days
    • music – 7 days 
    • movies and TV shows – 3 days

These materials are automatically returned at the end of the checkout period. The amount of materials you can check out at a time and the amount of items you can have on hold depends on the type of library card you have.