Charges and Fees
All SBPL locations will be closed on Monday, March 31 for César Chávez Day.
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At 30 days overdue, an item will be considered lost and the full replacement cost as set forth above will be charged to the account. This fee will be refunded if the item is returned no later than 59 days after the due date. At 60 days overdue, the replacement cost will be permanent, even if the item is returned to the Library.
When a patron account has accrued $40 and the amount remains unpaid after 30 days, a materials recovery agency referral will take place and a $10.00 processing fee will be charged to the library account.
At 60 days overdue and if the account has accrued $40 or more in library fees, $10.00 will be charged to the library account for the referral to a material recovery agency.
Damaged Materials: a charge may be imposed for library owned materials commensurate with the damages as determined by the Library Director or the Director’s designee. If replacement of the damaged item is required, lost materials fees will apply.
40 East Anapamu Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101