Access a variety of databases from Gale:
Archives Unbound: Gain access to rare primary source documents with these topically focused digital collections. Supports academic research.
Gale in Context-Environmental Studies: Understand environmental issues that affect people globally through topic overviews, journals, news, and multimedia content.
Gale Interactive-Science: Manipulate 3D interactive models to visualize and understand concepts in biology, chemistry, earth, and space science.
National Geographic Kids: Explore amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space. Best for children aged 6–14.
Tips for Using Gale
- Access the help menu from the bottom of the page
- Explore Topics: Click or tap a research Topic from the Home Page to explore the relevant collections available from your library.
- Explore Collections: Click or tap the Collections option from the Home Page toolbar to explore the available collections within the archive
- Search Box: Explore primary sources by performing a Basic Search and click or tap the magnifying glass to view results
- Get Link: Use the Get Link tool to generate a reliable permalink back to search results, individual articles, publications, and media content