Children’s Resource Fair Connecting Families with Resources for Childcare, Education, and Parenting Support
The Santa Barbara Public Library, in partnership with the Santa Barbara County Education Office and Santa Barbara Childcare Planning Council, invites community members to the Children’s Resource Fair. This event offers information on childcare, preschool, TK registration, summer camps, educational enrichment, and family support. Attendees will discover programs and services offered by over 40 partnering organizations and learn about the library’s programs, including early literacy classes, afterschool activities, and parenting support. This free event is an excellent opportunity for families to connect and explore community groups that support children’s learning while engaging in fun, family-friendly activities.
The Children’s Resource Fair will take place on Saturday, March 29 from 10:30am-1:30pm on the Michael Towbes Library Plaza at Central Library (40 E. Anapamu St.).
Local organizations providing fun activities and free resources:
South Coast Montessori
Mariposas Project
Children's Resource and Referral of Santa Barbara County
SBCEO Early Care and Education
Safety Town of Santa Barbara County
Family Matters Consulting
Santa Barbara Chinese School
Santa Barbara Parks and Rec
Partners in Education
Lobster Joe's Camps
Santa Barbara Police Activities League
Lakeshore Learning
Santa Barbara Charter School
Apples to Zucchini Cooking School
San Marcos Parent Child Workshop
Wilderness Youth Project
Department of Social Services
United Way of Santa Barbara County
Learningden Early Childhood Centers
Santa Barbara Museum of Art
Ice in Paradise
Santa Barbara Family YMCA
Gateway Educational Services
The Oaks Parent Child Workshop
Health Linkages Program CFRS
Crafter's Library
Montessori Center School
St. Mark Preschool
GUSD State Preschool
SBCC School of Extended Learning Parenting Program
My Gym Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara County Child Care Planning Council
City of Santa Barbara-Sustainability and Resilience
Family Service Agency
Help Me Grow
Kinderkirk Preschool
Carpinteria Children's Project
Hearts Summer Camp
Santa Barbara Public Library is a department of the City of Santa Barbara committed to providing access to information, resources, and enriching experiences for the entire community. Visit SBPLibrary.org to learn more about library programs, services, and the Library of Things. All library programs are free and open to the public.
Contact: Rebecca Robertson
Phone: (805) 962-7653
Email: youthservices@SantaBarbaraCA.gov