Santa Barbara Public Library Increases Access to Central Library – Computers, Printing, and Additional Seating Available
The City of Santa Barbara's construction projects at Central Library at 40 E. Anapamu Street have progressed to the point that will allow individuals to access the upper level beginning Tuesday, January 24.
Patrons will have full access to the nonfiction, graphic novels, and young adult collections as well as the microfilm machine and local history archives. Public computers are available for library cardholders on the upper level. Printing from public computers as well as personal wireless devices has also been restored.
View the Library's calendar for complete details on classes and events.
Santa Barbara Public Library has modified operations to maximize public access to the facilities, collections, and services during construction. Three simultaneous projects began in July 2022, including the renovation of the Library Plaza, the construction of a new accessible elevator in the center of the Library, and a new modern staff workspace on the Lower Level. Construction is expected to be complete in fall 2023.
Santa Barbara Public Library is a department of the City of Santa Barbara. Visit the Santa Barbara Public Library online at SBPLibrary.org for information about programs and services. All library programs are free and open to the public.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I still pick up holds at the Central Library?
Yes! Pick up your holds as usual. The holds shelf has moved to an area in the center of the main level. Self-check machines are operable.
Can I browse all collections right now?
All collections are fully browseable except for the adult fiction and world language collections on the main level. This area is still not accessible, but curated genre displays are available, and staff may be able to retrieve it for you at the time if there are not other patrons waiting for assistance.
Is the use of the microfilm machine and collection available?
The microfilm collection is available, but a significant portion of our collection is currently being digitized in partnership with a research institution so is unavailable.
What if I need to use a computer, the internet, or print?
Six public computers, including one express computer, are available in the upper level. Wifi is available in the building. A print release station is also located on the upper level. You can pay for prints with coins at the machine, or Library staff can add the charge to your account for you to pay online at your convenience using a credit card. We are not able to make change or accept cash payments.
How can I make a computer reservation?
If all computers are currently being used, patrons may make a reservation at the catalog or print release station on the upper level. Computers sessions are one hour, and patrons may have two one hour sessions per day. Patrons that need to utilize a computer for applying for a job, completing coursework in an online class, or similar need should contact Adult Education staff.
What are my options for study or workspace?
When the Faulkner Gallery is not in use for a Library program or rented for an event, chairs and tables are available for work or study space. There is seating available in the eating area on the main level and tables on the upper level as well.
Is art on display in the Faulkner Galleries?
Yes! Art shows are ongoing in the Faulkner Galleries and can be viewed during Library hours as long as there is not a public meeting, private rental, or Library program occurring. Visit the Library's events calendar to plan your visit to the galleries.
Will you be able to take payments for lost or damaged items or other outstanding account fees?
Payments may be made at Eastside Library or Montecito Library or in your online account in the Library catalog. During construction, staff will not have access to a cash register or credit card processor.