SBPL Under Construction Beginning July 11, Limited Access at Central Library
Santa Barbara Public Library is kicking off a major construction project! Beginning July 11, 2022, construction begins on 3 projects at Central Library: Library Plaza renovation, a new ADA-compliant elevator, and a lower level staff area renovation.
These projects will expand programming space, ensure the Library is safe and accessible, and build a more efficient and modern staff work space. During construction, in order to ensure the safety of staff and the public, there will be reduced access and changes to operations at Central Library in two phases. SBPL’s goal is to maximize access and services to the community during this time, while ensuring the safety of Library staff and members of the public during construction.
Hours of operation at Eastside Library will be increased, and all Library Services will be available at that location as well as Montecito Library.
Eastside Library will expand hours to:
- Monday 10 AM - 5 PM
- Tuesday 10 AM - 5 PM
- Wednesday 10 AM - 5 PM
- Thursday 10 AM - 6 PM
- Friday 10 AM - 5 PM
- Saturday 10 AM - 5 PM
The Library on the Go outreach van will be increasing its schedule of public stops for materials checkout and programming during closure dates and times of reduced operations at Central Library.
Youth Programs will return to local parks. Visit the Library’s Events Calendar for details and locations.
SBPL Works! appointments will be available Tuesday through Saturday, 2 PM to 5 PM at the Eastside Library.
In order to prepare for construction to begin, Central Library will be closed Friday, July 8 and Saturday, July 9.
Phase 1 of modified operations begin July 12. These are expected to continue through the summer.
During Phase 1, the entire Library will be inaccessible to the public and Library staff will have limited access to many areas of the Library. Similar to Sidewalk Service during the pandemic, patrons will be able to check out reserved material by presenting their ID or Library Card to staff in the Lobby, who will retrieve their holds, check them out, and deliver them.
What’s available in Phase 1?
- Holds pickup in Lobby
- Lunch at the Library
- Faulkner Gallery
- Restrooms
What’s not available in Phase 1?
- Access to Main Level
- Access to Children’s Library
- Access to Upper Level
- Public computer use
- Printing
- Study and Workspace
Construction projects often experience delays or unexpected challenges, so we will be diligent to communicate any updates on our website, in our email newsletter, and on social media. We appreciate your flexibility as we build a better community space for learning!
Phase 1 Frequently Asked Questions
These will be updated when we move to Phase 2, stay tuned!
Can I still pick up holds at the Central Library?
Yes! The holds shelf will only be accessible to staff, but you will still be able to pick up holds at Central Library in the Lobby by showing your Library Card or ID to staff, who will retrieve and check out your holds, then deliver them to you in the Lobby.
I’m disappointed we can’t browse for materials. What are my options?
You can place holds on items if you know what you want, and we’ll pull the books or other materials from storage for you. If you’re not sure of the exact title, you can submit a Book Match request. A librarian will pull titles that fit your needs and can place them on hold for you, or send you a list of suggestions you can place on hold.
Is use of the microfilm machine and collection available?
This area is closed to the public due to construction and the microfilm machine is unavailable. We are digitizing a portion of the microfilm collection in partnership with a research institution, so much of it is also unavailable.
What if I need to use a computer, internet, or print?
We have laptops and hotspots available for checkout. Computers and printing will also be available at Eastside Library and Montecito Library.
What are my options for study or work space?
Visit the Eastside Library or Montecito Library for study and workspace. No seating or tables will be available in Central Library.
I’m an Adult Literacy tutor or learner. Can we still use the Adult Education Center?
Adult Literacy tutors and learners are able to meet in the Faulkner Side Galleries on a first come, first serve basis, but the Adult Education office will not be available. If you need materials or resources, staff can pull materials for you.
I’m an OG Reader tutor or my child is an OG Reader student. Can we still meet at Central Library?
OG Reader tutors and students can still meet in the Faulkner Side Galleries, but may find it more convenient to meet at Eastside Library, Montecito Library, or arrange to meet at a Library on the Go. Please discuss options with Library staff. We will work to find a solution for you.
Will the Faulkner Gallery be open?
Galleries will be open for art viewing. The Faulkner Galleries may also be reserved for meetings and events.
Can I still get my reference or account questions answered in person?
The only services available during this time is holds pickup. If you have questions, please call (805) 962-7653, use the contact form on the Library’s website for an email reply, or visit Eastside Library or Montecito Library.
I need a new or replacement Library card. Can you help with that?
Yes, Central Library staff will be able to issue new or replacement Library cards.
Will you be able to take payments for lost or damaged items or other outstanding account fees?
Payments may be made at Eastside Library or Montecito Library or online. Staff will not have access to a cash register or credit card processor during construction. Luckily, we recently forgave all outstanding charges on accounts for lost or damaged items when we migrated to a new catalog system so few people have charges on their account at this point in time.